Some Thoughts on Christian Zionism

A lot of Christians are talking about Israel right now, and for good reason. Among these discussions is the idea of Christian Zionism. What is Christian Zionism, and is this an idea that we should support? There are many people who know much more about this than I do, but I do think this isContinue reading “Some Thoughts on Christian Zionism”

Must-See Interview with Palestinian Christian

I know this is a few weeks old, but I had to share. Please watch this if you think that Christians should always support Israel. A Jew is not one outwardly, but inwardly. Christians are the true Israel in spirit and truth because the former was cut off because of their unbelief. Chrisrian Zionism isContinue reading “Must-See Interview with Palestinian Christian”

No, My Articles are Not Plagiarized. 

I never copyright my material, and I never intend to. I believe that what God gives should be shared freely. I understood a long time ago that this might mean that other people get credit for the work that I do, but I never worry about it. The only person I want credit with isContinue reading “No, My Articles are Not Plagiarized. “

“These Things Saith He” 10/24/21 Update

This is just a quick note letting anyone who is interested know that the necessary updates to “These Things Saith He” are completed. Here are links to the revised articles for your convenience. Lord willing, I plan to get back to regular posting. These Things Saith He — Introduction These Things Saith He — MethodContinue reading ““These Things Saith He” 10/24/21 Update”

Something Isn’t Right, But Some Things Are

Have you ever been in the middle of a project and ran head-first into a brick wall? That’s kind of what just happened to me. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Though, walking into walls literally isn’t uncommon for me. As is my nature it seems, literally and metaphorically or spiritually, sometimes I get so focused onContinue reading “Something Isn’t Right, But Some Things Are”

Site Menu Change for Finding Previous Posts More Easily

This is just a quick note for readers. I have loosely tried to keep organized as I go by creating categories and a simple website menu. As things have progressed, some categories have become overlapped and the website became “cluttered” and not so clearly defined. Plus, since there are almost 300 posts now, scrolling throughContinue reading “Site Menu Change for Finding Previous Posts More Easily”